For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers corssing the dangerous pass.
几百年来, 圣·伯纳德的狗挽救了许多穿越这个危险关隘旅行者的生命.
《用法词典》For hundreds of years, St bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous pass.
几百年来, 圣伯纳修道院的狗已经搭救了穿越这个险关的许多旅游者的性命.
——《用法词典》The famous monastery of St. Bernard the eleventh century, lies about a mile away.
期刊摘选The famous monastery of St Bernard , which was founded in the elventh century, lies about a mile away.
著名的圣·伯纳德修道院是11世纪建立的, 它座落在离开关隘一英里的地方.
《用法词典》St. Bernard of Clairvaux on the Jewish Problem.
互联网The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy.
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